Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Should You Accept Virtual Visitation as Part of Parenting Time?

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2019 | Child Custody and Visitation

Should you accept virtual visitation as part of parenting time?  Virtual visitation is a recent development in California family law courts.  More of our courts state-wide are ordering virtual visitation where there are alternatives.  Should you as a parent be concerned?

Obviously, there are cases where virtual visitation is a good thing.  Those who are in the military and deployed out of the area will benefit from virtual visitation.  In other cases where one of the spouses has had to move out of town, this might be a strong idea.  Domestic violence cases may mean a physical visit is not in the child’s best interests, at least not at first.

However, virtual visitation should be approached with caution if you are co-parenting and are local.  There is no scientific evidence which shows virtual visitation as an aid to continuing a strong parent/child bond.  In an age of unlimited TV time and video games this may be a dangerous fad.  There is no substitute for quality in-person parenting time with your child after a divorceChild custody orders should reflect the existing rhythms of your child’s life and help you to have consistent time to parent and maintain your connection and bond.

Virtual visitation as part of parenting time can be used as a strategy by a controlling personality as an attempt to deny face-to-face time with a child.  This is also a common strategy for those seeking to punish a former spouse such as in cases of infidelity.

The experienced Certified Specialists at Burke & Domercq work to achieve our client’s goals.  Parenting time is one of the primary concerns of many of our clients.  When our client directs it we aggressively advocate strategies such as virtual visitation.  We also stand up to opposing counsel and the parties they represent when virtual visitation is being used in an inappropriate context to limit our client’s access and quality time to their own children.

