Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Establishing Your Rights as a Father in Carlsbad

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2019 | Paternity

Establishing your rights as a father in Carlsbad may require more than some paperwork at the hospital or your name on a birth certificate.  It is possible to establish paternity by signing a Declaration of Paternity, usually shortly after birth within the hospital itself.  What happens if this is not the case?  How does a father protect his rights to parenting time with his child?   What should you do if you aren’t sure?  What should you do if you’ve been identified as the father but aren’t convinced of the fact?

In marriage, the husband of the baby’s mother is legally considered to be the father until proven otherwise.

When a woman identifies a man as the father of her child in California the man has the right to ask a Court for a paternity test.  The Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq can help you to sort through the unique facts of your case and provide sound advice on how to proceed.

Generally speaking, establishing your rights as a father in Carlsbad involves a simple DNA test.  The cheek of the baby and the potential father are swabbed.  The resulting DNA test will allow the Court to approve or deny fatherhood.In marriage, the husband of the baby’s mother is legally considered to be the father until proven otherwise.

Why is paternity important?  In California, an unmarried mother has all physical and legal custody rights of her child.  This means she can control when and if visitation occurs.  She has the legal right to make all decisions regarding the child’s healthcare, as well as education, religion and even residence.  If she decides to take the child and move out of the area or out of the State of California things become legally much more challenging for a would-be father.

If you wish to protect your rights as a father, including the right to share parenting time and participate in all decisions regarding your child you need to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to learn more or schedule an appointment.  For many, establishing your rights as a father in Carlsbad is a natural and important life goal.  We can help.


