Prenuptial agreements in North County and Carlsbad make sense for many situations. This can be a touchy subject for some parties as they mistakenly believe it is an acknowledgement in advance or a forecast that the marriage is doomed to fail. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Prenuptial agreements actually allow the parties to establish the rules instead of subjecting yourselves to California’s probate or Family Law Codes.
A prenuptial agreement can actually be a constructive “team building” experience which helps to establish more open communications about subjects which can be hard for many couples who otherwise might struggle to have a candid conversation. Most psychiatrists will tell you rules which are mutually established openly and in a cooperative effort provide a much stronger foundation for the relationship itself.
Another way to look at it is the peace of mind of insurance. No one plans for an accident to happen or for their house to catch fire, or a serious illness to unexpectedly incapacitate them. This is what insurance is for. The prenuptial agreement is an expression of a mature relationship which is actually based in love and mutual trust.
Prenuptial agreements in North County and Carlsbad should not be developed or implemented in haste. Allow time for the conversations and the drafting of the agreement itself. There will be finer points to work through. California law requires the parties to wait at least seven days between the date the final prenuptial agreement is handed to the parties and the time they actually sign it to allow plenty of time for reflection and the ability to seek advice from their own counsel.
The truth of the matter is the prenup will not be needed in the event of the happy marriage you anticipate. It only comes into play in the event of a divorce or the passing of one of the parties. It protects the separate property you bring to the table as well as any children you each may already have. It preserves and protects assets and can set them aside to ensure they are used for the purpose you intend.
There is no reason to fear a Prenuptial agreements in North County and Carlsbad. If you are concerned about a prenuptial agreement it is best to seek the advice of the experienced family law attorneys at Burke & Domercq. Protect your business, assets and intentions before tying the knot. Putting it off until after the marriage results in a much more legally complex process.
We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to learn more about prenuptial agreements or to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.