Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Gray Divorce or Divorce after the Age of 50 in Carlsbad

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2020 | Divorce

Gray divorce or divorce after the age of 50 in Carlsbad continues to be on the rise. The Washington Post recently noted that the divorce rate for those over the age of 50 – often referred to as “Gray Divorce” – has more than doubled since 1990. Statistics show more than half of these marriages are the first marriage for each party, and the majority have lasted longer than 20 years.

If you are considering a gray divorce or divorce after the age of 50 in North County or Carlsbad it is important to look for an attorney with extensive experience and expertise. Divorce cases for longer term marriages and parties above the age of 50 usually involve much more complex financial and legal issues.

Gray divorce or divorce after the age of 50 often involves business ownership, significant investments and assets as well as retirement accounts and other benefits.  The State of California requires these marital assets to be equally divided between the parties.  It is important to ensure that a fair and accurate valuation is achieved in order to protect fair community property division. The resulting disputes regarding valuation and division must be resolved before a gray divorce can be completed.

Spousal support will usually be structured differently in long term marriages. Spousal support will usually last much longer in these cases, often until a party remarries or has passed away. The amount of spousal support may be larger as the parties have become used to a quality lifestyle, and are in their prime earning years.

Most participants in a gray divorce case face significant changes in their life and associated lifestyle. The quality of your attorney will have a direct impact on the success of your case. We invite you to protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

