Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Domestic Violence in Carlsbad Divorce Cases

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2020 | Domestic Violence

How will the Court handle domestic violence in Carlsbad divorce cases?  What is the impact of restraining orders and findings of domestic violence in a North County family law case?

Those who have experienced domestic violence, especially in the context of the end of a marriage and divorce, often feel isolated and that there aren’t many options available for help.

Abusive relationships come in many forms.  How can you tell if you are suffering domestic violence.  Perhaps the most obvious examples involve physical contact and/or injury from a partner who kicks, slaps, hits, chokes or uses any type of weapon to cause harm to your person.  A partner should never strike you out of anger, frustration or the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Domestic violence in Carlsbad divorce cases can sometimes be less obvious. It often comes in the form of verbal abuse, insulting assertations and language or even outright threats.  In other cases a partner may attempt to force someone to participate in activities or intimacy against their will.

It is not unusual for threats to be made against your family members and even friends as well.  These threats make it much harder to think clearly and complicate efforts to get out of the situation, especially when children are involved.

It is important for all parties to be safe from abuse or domestic violence in any form.  The first step is to simply have a plan.  Your family and closest friends are often the best sources of ideas and offers of assistance.  If you feel isolated or are unsure who to trust there are domestic violence hotlines and shelters across the San Diego region who can help you to access valuable resources and develop a safe exit strategy.

If you are in immediate danger or must take immediate action to flee contact local police or the San Diego County Sheriffs.  The police can help to get you and your children out of a dangerous situation, document all that has happened and help you to seek an emergency protective order.

The entire legal team and staff of Burke & Domercq are committed to the safety and well being of all.  If you have questions about how the court will handle domestic violence in Carlsbad divorce cases and the impact it can and will have upon child custody and parenting time as well as financial support we invite you to protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

