We are often asked “Do I need an attorney for divorce mediation in San Diego?” Yes, our attorneys can help to make a significant difference in the outcome of your divorce mediation.
Perhaps it is easiest to think of us as a divorce mediation coach. Every case is unique and the amount of support you will need from the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq is directly associated with the complexity of your case, the presence of children and the amount of your assets and liability exposure.
In situations where the issue seems to be more straight forward you may only need a few hours of preparation and coaching before approaching a mediation session. In most San Diego divorces, it is necessary to develop specific strategies to protect your own goals and objectives while carefully managing the give and take of a mediation session.
You will absolutely need an attorney for divorce mediation in San Diego if any of the following are applicable to your divorce:
- Disagreement between you and your former spouse on issues associated with your child(ren)
- The presence of personality disorders, a controlling or combative former spouse, narcissism, or domestic violence
- Either spouse owns or has an interest in a business or professional practice
- Substantial investments, real property, valuable collections, or pension and/or retirement accounts
- Substantial debt or contingent liability including student loans
Mediation is a private, confidential and controlled setting for resolving areas of disagreement and working out the details of part or all of the settlement agreement. The cost of your divorce and the time it will take to complete are directly tied to your ability to resolve areas of disagreement with your former spouse.
You need an attorney for divorce mediation in San Diego to help you to thoroughly understand the process of mediation, the legal and financial issues immediately at hand, effective strategies to accomplish your goal(s) and sound counsel on how to manage communications to protect your interests throughout the process. You will also need to know when an offer or proposed idea is so unreasonable you need to leave the table and take a break.
Our attorneys can help you to save a lot of money and to ensure the agreement(s) reached in mediation put you in the best position to complete the process and move forward with your own life.
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.