Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

How Does Divorce Mediation in San Diego Work

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2021 | Mediation

How does divorce mediation in San Diego work?  What do you need to know about mediation as an option if you are considering a divorce in San Diego?

For years, divorce has portrayed as a dramatic and adversarial battle in a courtroom.  There are issues which must be resolved before a Family Court Judge here in San Diego, but most issues can be resolved through effective negotiation or mediation.

The key point to understand about divorce is this: The cost of a divorce and the time it will take to complete are directly proportional to the areas of disagreement between the former spouses and their ability to work through them to reach a resolution.

Why does divorce mediation in San Diego work for many couples?  More than half of the divorce and family law cases in San Diego require some form of mediation.  Mediation is simply a guided conversation between the two parties as they work to resolve areas of disagreement.  The mediator guiding the process should have extensive experience both as a successful family law mediator as well as serving as a family law attorney who has no interest in the case at hand.

A successful mediation usually involves a mediator who is working to keep conversations on point, while minimizing emotional or controlling behavior.  Once the parties reach an agreement it can be added to the divorce agreement and ultimately presented to the Judge for review and subsequent orders.

Mediation is a private, confidential environment.  The classic saying is “what happens in mediation stays in mediation.” It helps to keep personal and financial information out of the public record while saving the parties a substantial amount of time and money.  It is also important to note several studies have shown the parties are much more likely to abide by agreements reached in mediation than on orders imposed by the Court.  This reduces the likelihood of time consuming and expensive post-decree litigation.

Learn more about what makes divorce mediation in San Diego work for so many couples and how you may wish to incorporate it as a primary strategy in your own divorce. Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

