Can you modify a San Diego parenting plan during or after a divorce? The simple answer is any existing child custody and parenting time orders can be changed if both parents are in complete agreement with the proposed changes. The Court will have to review any changes, and the proposed change can have an impact on existing child support orders.
What are some of the reasons to modify a San Diego parenting plan? One of the most common reasons to change existing parenting time plans is to accommodate changes in a child’s life. This is often due to issues such as the recent pandemic and its effects on not only the student’s schedule but those of their working parents. The second most common reason is a substantial change in one of the co-parent’s lives such as a new job or a health issue.
Another common reason to modify a San Diego parenting plan is relocation. In many cases a “shared” custody arrangement requires both parents to live in the same school district to facilitate the child’s education. If one of the parents chooses to relocate or move out of the immediate area based upon a new relationship, a work transfer or for any other reason it may be necessary to seek changes to existing child custody and parenting time orders.
Perhaps a co-parent has remarried, or the child is mature enough to ask the Court to modify a San Diego parenting plan based upon their own experiences and preferences.
The co-parents are free to negotiate a new agreement, or if there is a dispute between the parties mediation may be a cost-effective and timely venue for resolving disagreement and reaching a new settlement. If you have tried these options the Court may agree to hear a request to modify existing child custody and parenting time orders.
If you are concerned about any child custody and parenting time issue you need the proven, experienced advice and counsel of the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq. We invite you to protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.