What is the process to modify existing spousal support orders in Carlsbad or San Diego? What changes must occur in order to request a modification of spousal support orders from the Court?
Under California Family Law, either spouse has the right petition the Court to modify existing spousal support orders in Carlsbad or anywhere in San Diego. However, the Courts are backlogged with cases and will require a substantial change in the “Status Quo” of either the recipient or the payor in order to agree to hear a request for spousal support modification.
What constitutes a change in the “Status Quo?” There are several qualifying events which the Court would consider. One of the primary reasons to request spousal support modification after a divorce is a significant (more than 10%) change in the income of they payer of spousal support. This applies to both an increase in income or a significant decrease.
Several changes in the life of the spousal support recipient could warrant a modification request of the Court. For example, if the recipient remarries or has experienced a substantial inheritance or change in circumstances where spousal support is no longer needed. Another reason to ask the Court to modify existing spousal support orders in Carlsbad is the failure of the recipient to make ordered good faith efforts to become self-sustaining.
In some cases, a request to modify existing spousal support orders in Carlsbad is based on a misrepresentation of income or assets by one of the parties on disclosures or other evidence presented during the divorce which would have potentially affect the amount of spousal support.
If you believe there is a genuine change in the Status Quo which would warrant a change in existing spousal support orders we invite you to review the strong recommendations of former clients and the legal industry, protect your interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a safe, confidential and private consultation with one of our experienced and proven Certified Family Law Specialists.