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Top financial disagreements between spouses 

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2024 | Divorce

Infidelity, abuse and high conflict are all common causes of relationship breakdowns. However, one important factor is often overlooked- money. 

Money isn’t everything, but it certainly helps to make life easier. Nonetheless, financial disputes between spouses are one of the leading causes of divorce. In terms of money, where can things go wrong for a couple? 

Secrets from the past 

Prior to marriage, partners are inclined to show their “best sides.” They may be embarrassed to talk about financial difficulties they have had in the past or debts that they are currently carrying. The problem is, if these factors are taken into a marriage, the truth has a habit of coming out. Undisclosed debts cause many married couples to fall out. This is not only due to the financial strain but the fact that these issues were hidden. 

Spending and saving habits 

Some people are spenders, some are savers, and some fall somewhere in between. It’s important that couples are able to find a middle ground here. For instance, one partner may have always wanted to buy a house. This involves saving. The other partner may prioritize traveling the world for a few years and spending all their savings that way. It’s important that a middle ground can be found, otherwise, spending and saving habits can become a serious marital issue. 

A financial imbalance 

While both spouses should retain some level of independence, including financially, a marriage is ultimately a team. If one spouse earns a high amount and the other is unable to work, an imbalance may be created. One spouse may be out spending while the other has to sit at home because they have no choice.  

If you’re having financial issues or any other type of marital problem, then it’s not a bad idea to seek some legal guidance.

