What are the legal custody rights of unmarried parents in San Diego? How are things handled for those who are living together without any formal legal agreements? Why should an unmarried father consider a paternity action? The Carlsbad CA based family law firm of Burke & Domercq provide sound counsel to unmarried clients who wish to protect their interests. Generally…
Why is it Important to Establish Paternity in San Diego
Why is it important to establish paternity in San Diego? Establishing paternity is the first step in securing important rights for an unmarried father in California regarding child custody and parenting time for their child. Here in California, the law presumes the identity of the father to be the married husband of the mother or when a man and woman…
The Genuine Benefits of Establishing Paternity in San Diego
There are genuine benefits of establishing paternity in San Diego not only for the father and child, but for the mother as well. It is important to understand the legal rights of an unmarried father in California. Here in our state, if a child is born to parents who are unmarried the mother retains all legal rights regarding child custody…
How is Paternity Resolved in San Diego
How is paternity resolved in San Diego? If you are the father of a child and are not married to the mother of the baby, how do you protect your right to see your child and participate in important decisions in the child’s life? If a baby is born to a husband and wife California law presumes the child to…
There are Several Reasons to Establish Paternity
There are several reasons to establish paternity if you are an unmarried father in San Diego. The primary reason is to protect your rights to see your child and be a part of their life. If a child is born in California to unmarried parents custody rights, including the right to make important decisions regarding the health, education, religion and…
When Should You Consider a Paternity Action in San Diego
What is a “paternity” case and when should you consider a paternity action in San Diego? Paternity is the legal process to establish that a man is the father of a specific child. In California, when a married couple have a child the husband is automatically considered to be the father of the child. This legal standing also extends to…
Why Should an Unmarried Father File a Paternity Case in San Diego?
Why should an unmarried father file a paternity case in San Diego? You may have completed paperwork at the hospital and you may be listed on the birth certificate as the father of the child. You may even be paying child support for your baby. However, there is one important legal issue you must be aware of: You have no…
Seeking Paternity Orders to Protect Your Child Custody Rights
Are you an unmarried father seeking paternity orders to protect your child custody rights in San Diego? Many unmarried fathers are confused by the topic of paternity in Carlsbad. After all, you probably completed paperwork at the hospital which put your name on your child’s birth certificate. You may even have begun to fulfill child support obligations. However, it is…
“The Unmarried Mother of Our baby Can Leave Town and I have No Legal Say in the Matter?”
We are often asked something to the effect of “The unmarried mother of our baby can leave town and I have no legal say in the matter?” It may surprise many San Diego residents to learn that more than half of the children born in the United States today come into a family with unmarried parents. The norms have changed, and…
Child Custody and Support for an Unmarried Father in Carlsbad
Why are child custody and support more important than ever for an unmarried father in Carlsbad? It is becoming more of a norm for children to be born to unwed parents in California and across the nation. The New York Times recently noted more than 50% of women under the age of 30 who have a baby are unmarried in…