Making the decision to get married means that you’re planning on spending the rest of your life with that individual. Most people don’t go into a marriage thinking that it will end, but it’s something that must be considered, particularly if you have considerable...
Prenuptial Agreement
What’s the purpose of a postnuptial agreement?
You’re already familiar with the concept of a prenuptial agreement. But what if you’re already married? Is it too late? No, it’s not. Postnuptial agreements, which are like prenuptial agreements only executed after the marriage begins, are becoming increasingly...
Helping your child see the value of a prenup
Prenuptial agreements have become more common for couples preparing to marry – regardless of their age or assets – in recent decades. However, many young couples still see no need for one. That’s particularly true if they’re going into marriage with roughly the same...
Potential reasons a prenup could be invalid
People are sometimes surprised to find out that their prenuptial agreements are not valid. These are important documents that help to define how things should be done during a divorce. For instance, people sometimes use a prenup to protect business assets. As such,...
5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when drafting a prenuptial agreement
A prenuptial agreement can provide you and your betrothed with financial stability to start your marriage off on the right foot. It can also set specific terms for what will happen with various assets if you eventually go through a divorce. As you’re setting up your...
What is a postnuptial agreement and how can it help me?
When you were engaged to your now spouse the idea of getting a prenuptial agreement may have been the furthest thing from your mind. The wedding planning may have taken up all your attention or you may have had the notion that prenups were an unromantic sign of...
Who Should Give Serious Consideration to a Prenup in San Diego
Who should give serious consideration to a prenup in San Diego? What is a prenuptial agreement? Why is there such a negative atmosphere around prenuptial agreements and what is the truth about a prenup? First things first. You should give serious consideration to a prenup in San Diego if you are considering marriage and one of you earns substantially more…
How Long Does a Prenuptial Agreement Last in San Diego
How long does a prenuptial agreement last in San Diego? Generally speaking, prenuptial agreements are legal contracts which are entered into between two people who are contemplating marriage. The prenup takes effect upon the date of the marriage and does not expire unless otherwise specified in the agreement itself. If the couple chooses not to marry, the prenup is generally…
How Enforceable are Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Prenuptial and Postnuptial agreements are a good strategy to protect assets and establish reasonable agreements in the event a marriage ends in divorce. The principal reason to have a prenuptial agreement is to protect established intellectual property, a business or substantial wealth when contemplating a marriage. Any asset which is owned or acquired before the date of the marriage is…
When You Should Consider a Prenup?
What are some examples of when you should consider a prenup and how is it a positive and not a negative in a serious relationship which is headed for marriage? A prenuptial agreement, more commonly referred to as a “prenup” often has a negative bias attached to its name and the underlying concept. Why would you want to negotiate a…