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Domestic violence against women related to mass shootings

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2015 | Domestic Violence

The California legal system is, unfortunately, no stranger to domestic violence. This issue is disturbingly common in America, and recent study appears to indicate that this crime can grow into large societal problems. For example, mass shootings have become a depressingly regular occurrence. Statistical analysis reveals that many of the mass shootings that have been dominating today’s headlines have their roots in domestic trauma.
Experts have long made it clear that the overwhelming proportion of firearm fatalities among women were caused by domestic violence. Something like two thirds of all women killed with guns in America met their demise at the hand of their intimate partners. A study has revealed that 76 percent of all mass shooting cases involving at least four fatalities were found to have a clear relationship to a domestic violence situation.
There have been some steps taken towards a solution. For example, reports indicate that background check laws regulating the sale of handguns cut the domestic murder rate against women approximately in half.
The threat of deadly violence against women by current and former romantic partners is sadly all too real. It is important for any woman who feels that their life is threatened to take steps to protect herself. A restraining order can be an excellent tool to place legal distance between a woman and the person she feels is threatening her. A lawyer may be able to help her if she chooses to go to the court and explain her need for a protective order, as the lawyer will be able to advise her as to her legal options and represent her in any appearances that may be necessary.
Source: Care 2, “There’s a Silent Epidemic of Domestic Violence-Related Shootings in the U.S.”, S. E. Smith, Nov. 25, 2015

