Certainly, every divorce is unique, and no one can tell you what your priorities should be simply based on your age. However, the increasing number of people ending their marriages (often after decades together) in their 50s, 60s and later typically are concerned...
Prenuptial agreements have become more common for couples preparing to marry – regardless of their age or assets – in recent decades. However, many young couples still see no need for one. That’s particularly true if they’re going into marriage with roughly the same...
A California custody order allocates both parental responsibilities and rights for two adults who end their relationship or cease living together. In most cases, divorcing parents can negotiate their own arrangements. In California, the courts may even require...
Infidelity, abuse and high conflict are all common causes of relationship breakdowns. However, one important factor is often overlooked- money. Money isn’t everything, but it certainly helps to make life easier. Nonetheless, financial disputes between spouses are one...
Couples are typically deeply in love when they get married. It's a time that’s full of excitement and optimism. Nonetheless, long-term relationships require work. They also require communication and compromise. The truth is that many spouses don’t really get to know...
Divorce is a complicated process with a lot of moving parts, and it can be easy to get focused on the wrong details. Financial advisors say that one of the most commonly overlooked things in divorce is the issue of credit. How can credit become a major concern?...
A 529 plan is an investment account that parents often open to save for a child’s education. The tax benefits of a 529 plan are also significant when they’re used properly, which is why they’re a common asset for affluent parents with children. However, in a divorce,...
Some spouses mutually file for divorce. They negotiate arrangements with each other ahead of time and then cooperatively initiate the legal process. Many times, one spouse files without previously discussing the matter with their spouse. Individuals often feel...
Telling people that you’re divorcing is not a one-step process. Family and close friends typically are made aware of your separation and an impending divorce first. You may need to inform your children’s schools – especially once you start living separately. You...
If this upcoming school year will be the first one since your separation or divorce, you can expect that you and your co-parent are going to make some mistakes. A new school year is chaotic enough when parents live in the same home. You can, however, help things go a...