Should you consider a private judge in a Carlsbad divorce case? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a private judge?
The family law courts of Carlsbad carry a heavy case load. This forces the Court and the attorneys who appear before it to resolve issues or face delays which could result in months or years.
We are often asked about strategies to speed up a divorce case. One strategy is the use of a private judge. Private judges actually have more experience than many judges in the public court system. Usually, a private judge is either a family law attorney with decades of experience or a former family judge who has retired from the public bench. A private judge will generally move complex divorce cases much faster than the public system. Private judges have much fewer conflicts and can focus in on your case and meet the schedules of the parties. Managing your divorce with a private judge allows you to have your issued heard much earlier on in the process while providing the opportunity to reach a resolution.
A private judge in a Carlsbad divorce is not for everyone. The use of a private judge can quickly drive up the price of your divorce. Private judges may charge $400 to $650 and these costs quickly add up. Private judges will charge you to read every document, so it is important to focus on the specific issues you intend for them to handle. Private judges can definitely speed up the process of a divorce and this alone may be worth the expense.
There can be an issue with contentious former spouses or opposing counsel. In the public setting, our Carlsbad Family Law Court Judges have no patience for gimmicks or poor behavior. The private judge lives upon the referrals of his or her clients and their attorneys. Therefore many believe a private judge may actually aggravate a contentious setting. They are less likely to issue sanctions or award attorneys fees in order to protect the likelihood of a future referral.
You should consider all issues associated with a private judge in a Carlsbad divorce case. It is important to seek the counsel of the experienced Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq. We invite you to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to learn more.