Did you know that managing your emotions in the divorce will save time and money while enhancing peace of mind? Let’s be candid – divorce is a very emotional thing for most people. This isn’t going to be easy, but you can make a few choices which will make the experience easier for you to bear.
One of the many ways the experienced Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq, APC help our clients is to provide counsel and advice which help them to balance and manage their emotions throughout the process.
Making decisions or taking actions based upon emotion will almost always lead to outcomes which are not in harmony with your own goals. It will also substantially increase the time it takes to complete your divorce as well as the associated cost.
Our formal title is “Attorneys and Counselors at Law.” The “counselors” portion of our relationship with clients is perhaps the most valuable in terms of emotion. We provide insight into the challenges associated with your divorce based upon decades of experience in similar matters before North County family law court. This helps to diminish the role of emotion in decision making.
Our guidance also extends to all communications and the use of social media. What you say to your former spouse through emails and texts can come back to hurt you in a North County or Carlsbad divorce. We recommend all of our clients refrain from social media or entering into electronic communications with other parties during the divorce.
Managing your emotions in the divorce will save time and money at many points along the way. These really add up over the course of your divorce. Issues and disagreements regarding child custody and parenting time, child support and spousal support as well as the division of community property can be resolved through effective negotiation, and when necessary mediation. Our attorneys are experienced trial attorneys. When a matter of principle or your highest goals are involved and all other options are unsuccessful we will seek a positive outcome in court.
Emotion often comes in waves, and these often decrease as time passes. The issues addressed in the separation agreement or the divorce decree are much more permanent. It is important to work efficiently and effectively to remove emotion from negotiations and mediation in order to work toward the best resolution possible.
In the long run you will actually reduce the emotional impact of your divorce and agreements reached through negotiation or mediation are much more likely to succeed post-decree. This reduces the need, time and expense to return to court to resolve matters that arise once the divorce is finalized.
We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment. Learn more about how managing your emotions in the divorce will save time and money as well as how our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists can help you to reduce the emotional and financial burdens of your divorce, and seek an outcome which allows you to move forward.