Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Don’t Wait to Take Action to Modify Support Orders in North County

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2020 | Post Decree Modifications

You shouldn’t wait to take action to modify support orders in North County.  The recent impact of COVID-19 on the Courts and their resulting closure for several weeks has had a significant impact on an already heavy case load.  This makes it more important than ever to seek the advice and sound counsel of Burke & Domercq as to how to approach the court to successfully seek modification of spousal support or child related custody and support.

There are many complex factors which the Court uses to determine custody and support orders.  Most recent divorce decrees establish a “status quo” which is basically the present amount of income for each party as well as the quality of life they enjoyed during the course of the marriage.  In order to take action to modify support orders in North County we will need to establish a significant change in the status quo.

The Judge’s original orders were based upon incomes for each party which may have included their regular earnings, commissions, bonuses and incentives, tip income, as well as benefits including social security, workers compensation or unemployment.  There may have also been income from substantial assets such as investment portfolios or a business or professional practice.

Our world has substantially changed in the past several months.  Many people have unfortunately lost their jobs.  Many have seen a substantial reduction in their earnings due to lost commissions or performance bonuses or the impact of COVID-19 on their business.

We understand that in many cases reaching the initial orders in your divorce may have been a contentious process.  However, this is no reason to wait to take action to modify support orders in North County if there has been a substantial change in your income or the income of your former spouse.

The Certified Family Law Specialists can help to evaluate and document what has changed and the impact this might have upon your present support orders.  If the parties are in agreement (or reach agreement through mediation) to modify support orders in North County our attorneys can simply seek approval from the Court without the need for scheduling a case or appearance.

Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

