Are you considering the end of your marriage? It may surprise you to learn you need to develop a strategy for your San Diego divorce.
Many people simply presume you file the paperwork and kind of see where it goes from there. It may have taken you weeks, months or even years to get to the point where you were ready to make the decision to divorce. Now that the idea has become more than just a thought (and you are reading this) it is important to do one more thing: develop a strategy for your San Diego divorce.
You may think you know how your soon-to-be former spouse is going to react. It may seem like you’re both in agreement and things are somewhat inevitable. Our Certified Family Law Specialists can share with you, based upon decades of experience, once you get into the process things can and will change.
You may believe you have reached agreements regarding child custody and parenting time, the division of your possessions and debts and other important aspects of divorce. Once the process begins and your former spouse realizes it’s for real, it doesn’t take long for seemingly absolute agreement to morph into “I never said that” or “No, we agreed on…” or “Well, I’ve just changed my mind.”
The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Burke & Domercq will help you to develop a strategy for your San Diego divorce. We will work with you to understand how each part of the process will work. You will establish priorities and in some cases the absolute minimum you are willing to tolerate.
We will discuss the steps you need to prepare yourself for the journey. How will you manage every communication and each crucial conversation with your former spouse? How should you manage social media, texting and voicemails? What do you need to know about the Court and how the Judge in your case will carefully observe how you handle yourself? What impact will all of this have on achieving the goals you’ve established? How will you keep yourself going through the ups and downs and how will you take care of yourself along the way?
You need to develop a strategy for your San Diego divorce. You need a proven, experienced legal partner to guide you through the process. Learn more about the road ahead and how to protect your interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.