What is the right time to get divorced in San Diego? Is there a time of year which is better? Should the timing of your divorce be determined by the age or maturity of your children or their schedules?
There are signs that it is the right time to consider a divorce. One of the most common and easy signs is the pronouns you and your spouse use when approaching an issue or when talking to family and friends. Marriage is a partnership, a team. In a healthy marriage issues and ideas are usually expressed in terms of “our” or “we.” When communications your spouse are focused on “me” or “I” it is often a serious sign.
Do you have a hard time seeing any part of your spouse in a positive light? A healthy relationship benefits both parties and both parties handle disagreements respectfully (generally speaking) while more often seeking to build each other up. If you find yourself constantly noticing or commenting about your spouse’s character flaws or mistakes it is time to take a hard look at your marriage.
The most serious issue associated with the timing of a divorce is often domestic violence. Domestic violence decisions are usually based upon the presence of an immediate threat of genuine physical or emotional harm, especially for children. If you are considering a divorce and domestic violence is present in your home it is important to take action to seek orders to protect you and your children or to leave the home.
If your children are being abused and you do not take substantial action to protect them you may impact your own legal standing in custody and parenting time issues. Seek immediate legal guidance and take action to protect yourself and your children.
The beginning of a new year is a natural time for many to reflect upon their relationships. The months of January, February and March are historically the most common months for a divorce. Since the inception of COVID-19 the divorce filings in California and across the United States have sharply risen.
Divorce affects children of all ages in different ways. Each case is unique. We work with our clients to carefully consider how to protect children and lessen the impact of a divorce. Children often feel their parent’s divorce is somehow their fault. Planning the timing of a divorce around a child’s schedule may only aggravate this.
You may be surprised to learn that filing for divorce can actually save a marriage. A portion of our clients draw upon our counsel and advice to work through their issues and actually reunite!
In the end, the right time to get divorced in San Diego is a deeply personal decision. Is there more finger pointing than mutual respect and teamwork? Is it “our” and “we” or “I” and “me?”
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.