What are the best strategies to protect a child’s emotions during and after a divorce in San Diego? Many California parents going through a divorce may worry about the effects of the end of their marriage on their children. Both parents often want to protect their children from any negative impacts and rarely want to relinquish time with their kids. Children can be sensitive to tensions, so taking time to thoughtfully organize interactions during and after the divorce can help them to come through the process with their healthy psychological outlook intact.
Experts advise parents to encourage their children to move forward with their lives and interests while encouraging activities and distractions that support their inclinations. In addition, absent an environment of abuse, neglect or domestic violence, children benefit from a strong ongoing and consistent relationship with both of their parents after divorce. Our Courts believe sharing quality time with each parent is generally in the best interests of a child.
If you wish to protect a child’s emotions during and after a divorce you will need a well-conceived co-parenting plan. A detailed parenting plan supports each child by providing the groundwork for a consistent environment with similar rules and values. In addition, children should be discouraged from avoiding or insulting the other parent and encouraged to keep their close, loving relationship. It’s also important for parents to keep in mind that young children can act out when upset or anxious, especially if they are unable to verbalize their concerns.
On the other hand, it’s also important to keep children from being go-betweens for their parents. Co-parents should be able to communicate with each other about family issues without relying on their kids to do so. Children need to be free of their parents’ emotional issues, so they should not be confidantes about issues that arise during or after the divorce. As much as possible, the children should be kept away from the private issues between former partners.
If you are searching for the best strategies to protect a child’s emotions during and after a divorce Parents learn more about how to develop a co-parenting schedule or ensure that each child will enjoy continuity in their existing life and schedule. Our Certified Family Law Specialists help divorcing parents by advocating for their rights and relationship with their children in family court and in divorce negotiations and mediation.
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.