Is it harder to be married to a Narcissist or to divorce one in San Diego? If you are reading this blog you are probably very familiar with what it is like to be married to a Narcissist. Are you considering the end of your marriage and concerned about how in the world to handle the process of divorce with a narcissistic spouse?
You are probably also tired of the constant battles and worn down from the constant positioning, control and associated arguments. This is why it is so important to work with the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq if your soon-to-be former spouse has a personality disorder such as Narcissism. You know a narcissistic spouse rarely (if ever) runs out of energy for the battle nor concedes any point. The battle continues until they have worn you down and “won,” followed by the inevitable price which “must be paid” for daring to disagree with them in the first place.
The question of whether it is harder to be married to a narcissist or to divorce one in San Diego may be impossible to answer. However, it is absolutely possible to stand up to a narcissist during the process of a divorce and complete a divorce which sets you up for moving forward in a positive manner once it is complete. It is possible to protect the children while accomplishing your child custody and parenting time goals. Keep your focus on the ultimate goal of not having to put up with this for the rest of your life.
One of the most important things to remember (even if your narcissist happens to be an attorney) is it is NEVER in your interests to take legal advice from a former spouse. This is especially true when dealing with a narcissist. You need strong attorneys who have proven strategies for achieving your goals and objectives for divorce. You need a legal team who will provide sound advice and counsel at every step in the process while reducing (or eliminating) the need to confront a narcissist on any issue.
Is it harder to be married to a narcissist or to divorce one in San Diego so that you can move forward and heal? You need to get out of the constant barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, controlling and manipulative communications and speak with our experienced, proven divorce and family law attorneys. If you intend to end your marriage to a narcissist you need to know it is absolutely possible to get the space you need, accomplish your goals, heal and move forward with the rest of your life.
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.