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How can a CDFA help in your divorce?

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2023 | Divorce

During the end of your California marriage, you might choose the assistance of financial professionals, particularly if you have a high-asset divorce. If you and your spouse are in this position, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst might be able to help you reach a fair division of assets.

What does a CDFA do?

As an expert in divorce financial matters, a CDFA assists couples during the divorce process from beginning to end, as they work towards a fair, balanced divorce settlement. CDFAs can advise their clients on a variety of issues, including:

  • Community and separate property
  • Tax liabilities and repercussions of financial decisions
  • Value of assets
  • Different options for property division
  • Spousal and child support agreements

Why should you consider a CDFA?

A high-asset divorce can be complicated. When there are many types of property involved, the negotiation over assets can become even more difficult and errors can lead to higher tax liabilities and an unfair divorce settlement. A CDFA can help couples sort all the details, even before the negotiations begin to help you prevent unnecessary errors.

What might a CDFA look at?

During the divorce, a CDFA will look at all the types of assets a couple has gained over their marriage. These include:

  • Savings and investment accounts
  • Life insurance
  • Pension and retirement accounts
  • Real estate property
  • Jewelry, artwork and antiques
  • Business opportunities

CDFAs are trained certified financial professionals with the experience to help you through the divorce process. Your divorce settlement is a key part of ensuring a stable financial future post-divorce and a CDFA can be part of your team to achieve this.

