What is the Gavron Warning in a San Diego divorce? When is the Gavron Warning issues and to what California family law issue does it apply? The Gavron Warning is simply a notification issued by the Judge in issues associated with spousal support during or after a San Diego divorce. In essence, the Gavron Warning is a legal reminder that…
Spousal Support
How Long Does Permanent Spousal Support Last After a San Diego Divorce?
How long does permanent spousal support last after a San Diego divorce? California family law generally classifies spousal support as temporary, rehabilitative or permanent. However, it is important to know that “permanent” in the case of spousal support does not mean “forever.” This concept is a bit misleading and it is important to understand the nature of spousal support and…
How is Spousal Support to be Established and Calculated in a San Diego Divorce Case
How is spousal support to be established and calculated in a San Diego divorce case? Generally speaking, spousal support is a tool to level the financial playing field between the parties during the course of divorce as well as the years which follow. Spousal support also facilitates the transition between a two-income household and becoming self-sustaining during or after a…
If an Ex Spouse Starts Living With Another Can You Terminate Spousal Support
If an ex spouse starts living with another can you terminate spousal support payments? Permanent spousal support is frequently ordered for a specified time or until a specified event, e.g. death or remarriage. If the recipient of spousal support after an Carlsbad or San Diego divorce cohabits with a member of the opposite sex then the legislature has indicated that support…
Are There Different Types of Spousal Support in a San Diego Divorce
Are there different types of spousal support in a San Diego divorce? What types of spousal support are provided for in California Family Law and what is the purpose of each form of spousal support? California’s Family Code provides guidance on when spousal support should be considered in a San Diego divorce case as well as the value and duration…
Will I Be Awarded Spousal Support in My San Diego Divorce?
You may have several questions regarding financial issues associated with getting through the process of a divorce. One of the most common questions we are asked is “Will I be awarded spousal support in my San Diego divorce case?” The question of spousal support (often referred to as alimony) essentially comes down to three important issues: the duration of the…
Who Pays Spousal Support in a Carlsbad Divorce
Who pays spousal support in a Carlsbad divorce and when will our Family Court consider an award for spousal support? Generally speaking, California Family Law begins with an evaluation of the present income capacity as well as the value of marketable skills for each of the former spouses. Does one spouse earn substantially more than the other? The next questions…
How a Request for Spousal Support will be Handled in My San Diego Divorce
Are you wondering how a request for spousal support will be handled in a San Diego divorce? Will you be eligible to receive spousal support or required to pay it? Unlike child support, which has a very established process and calculator for determining the need for and amount of child support, spousal support is a much more flexible and broad…
Understanding Spousal Support in San Diego
Understanding spousal support in San Diego requires experience and a thorough understanding of California family law. Spousal support is much less of a formula-driven process than child support here in San Diego and throughout California. Judges have a much broader discretion as to when or if spousal support is to be awarded. The experience and expertise of the lawyer you…
Can a New Relationship Affect Existing San Diego Spousal Support Orders
We are often asked can a new relationship affect existing San Diego spousal support orders? If the recipient of spousal support decides to live with move in with a new partner will it affect impact the need for or amount of the spousal support in their case? The only consistent fact regarding spousal support cases is that each party is…