Is grandparent grandchild visitation legal in California? California law is focused upon what is in the best needs of the child, and this extends to the special bond between a child and their grandparent. There are a number of reasons why a grandparent may need legal assistance to ensure access to their grandchild after a divorce.
Divorce situations in North County San Diego can become quite strained, and it may be necessary for grandparents to ask the courts to protect their rights to visit with a grandchild with whom they have a pre-existing relationship.
One of the hardest challenges a parent must face is the loss of a child. What happens when your son or daughter passes away and their spouse refuses to let you see your grandchildren?
There are many reasons why a grandparent may need assistance seeking the legal right to visit a grandchild, however these cases can be quite legally complex. This is why it is important to contact the experienced and seasoned child custody and visitation attorneys at Burke & Domercq or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment.
There are significant legal issues surrounding the question of “is Grandparent Grandchild Visitation Legal in California?” The grandparent(s) must petition the court for temporary visitation orders. The Court may or may not grant this request. Once this issue has been decided the Court will seek evidence to understand the nature of the relationship between the parties, the ability of the grandparent(s) to positively influence the child(ren), the capacity of the grandparent(s) to contribute to the child’s needs, and the ability of the grandparent(s) to provide a safe and happy home or environment for their visits.
The Court will take many factors into consideration in the case of a grandparent seeking visitation. In the end, the best interests of the child should take precedence. North County San Diego family law Judges and Magistrates take these cases quite seriously, and must weigh the perspectives of the parents, the grandparents and the child as well.