Disagreements between parents who share custody often involve both parents trying to have as much time as possible with their children. However, sometimes custody disputes begin with the exact opposite issue. Both parents seek out and receive reasonable parental...
Child Custody and Visitation
Can parents sharing custody travel out of state with their kids?
Sharing custody of minor children generally means managing certain limitations imposed on parental rights. Parents have to agree on major decisions in most cases and have to follow the schedule for parenting time. They may also have certain restrictions imposed on...
Is income a major factor in determining child custody?
When parents divorce, one parent may assume they are more likely to get primary custody of their child because they earn more money than their spouse. Perhaps they have been the main breadwinner for years. They are already supporting the family, and their high income...
What is the process for modifying a custody order?
Once parents have a custody order on record, there is an expectation that they should follow the terms of that order. They have to regularly exchange custody and communicate with one another to make decisions about their children. If either parent fails to fulfill...
Understanding child custody concerns for high-income families
Navigating child custody can be challenging for any family, but high-income families often face relatively uncommon complexities when it comes to custody agreements. Specifically, issues related to lifestyle, education and child care can be fairly complex when...
Who is eligible to supervise visitations?
Finding your way through divorce and co-parenting can feel like a balancing act, especially when you and your former spouse don't see eye to eye. While custody and visitation arrangements are crucial for your child's relationships, it could also be essential to...
Can my child stay with their noncustodial parent for a long time?
As a custodial parent, you have the privilege of being with your children most of the time. But what if you need to leave them in their other parent’s care for an extended period of time? Perhaps you need to take care of an ailing parent. Or maybe you have to take a...
When is supervised visitation used?
In some cases, parents who are not together will share custody of their child. Maybe the father has custody one week and then the mother has custody the following week. However, courts don’t always assign equal physical custody rights. In some cases, one parent...
3 times parents may want to modify a California custody order
A California custody order allocates both parental responsibilities and rights for two adults who end their relationship or cease living together. In most cases, divorcing parents can negotiate their own arrangements. In California, the courts may even require...
A few co-parenting tips as back-to-school season approaches
If this upcoming school year will be the first one since your separation or divorce, you can expect that you and your co-parent are going to make some mistakes. A new school year is chaotic enough when parents live in the same home. You can, however, help things go a...