Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Things to Think About When Developing a Parenting Plan

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2019 | Child Custody and Visitation

What are some of the things to think about when developing a parenting plan during a divorce?  The parenting plan is an important element of child custody.  It is important to approach this task with your emotions set aside.  The court is interested in two things: the best interests of each child and equal quality time with each parent in most cases.

Your parenting plan can be creative.  It should reflect the unique rhythms of the child’s life prior to the divorce.  It should incorporate your highest goals for each child and keep the children’s comfort and stability as priorities.

Think about where your child goes to school and where each of the co-parents intends to live.   What are your educational priorities for the child(ren) and how will you make education related choices in the future?

Consider all of the toys, books, clothes and other belongings of a child and how you distribute them between households.  You may wish to purchase a second identical item to ensure their favorite possessions are present in each house.

Reflect on the holidays and summer vacation.  How will you rotate time during the holidays and summer either within each season or year-by-year?

Some of the other things to think about when developing a parenting plan include healthcare, discipline and extra-curricular activities.  How will you handle emergencies, medical treatment and health care related decisions?  What are the acceptable parameters for discipline and how will the co-parents work together when necessary?  Will a discipline such as a grounding in one home be carried over to another to ensure effective and consistent parenting?

What extra-curricular activities does each child presently enjoy and how will the child get to and from practice, rehearsals, and events?

These are some of the things to think about when developing a parenting plan.  We invite you to contact Burke & Domercq or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment to seek guidance and draw upon the decades experience of our experienced Certified Specialists.

