What is the purpose of mediation in a Carlsbad divorce or family law case? How can mediation help you to accomplish your goal of completing a divorce or resolving a contentious child custody or spousal support case in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner?
The experienced Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq often advise our clients regarding the impact of dispute between the parties on the actual cost of the divorce or court case as well as the time it will take to resolve it. Disputes are the greatest source of cost in any divorce or post-decree family law case. Resolving disagreements between the parties is the key to completing a divorce or resolving a post-decree dispute in a timely manner.
Mediation is an excellent tool when the parties are locked in a dispute or a disagreement regarding any aspect of a divorce or post-decree disagreement including, but not limited to:
- Child custody and parenting time
- Child support
- Spousal Support
- Property Division
- Business ownership valuation and division
In a mediation, a neutral third party with extensive experience in family law and divorce law as well as skill as a mediator helps the parties to find common ground, identify potential solutions and ultimately resolve part or all of the issues in dispute.
The purpose of mediation in a Carlsbad divorce or family law case is to create an environment which reduces or eliminates unreasonable behavior or issues resulting from personality disorders or control while creating a non-confrontational atmosphere that is more conducive to reaching a consensus. The mediator helps each party to hear the other’s concerns and goals while providing insight informed by years of experience in Carlsbad divorce and family law courts.
If you have areas of substantial disagreement with a former spouse in a divorce or post-decree custody or support manner mediation is a tool you should investigate.
We invite you to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys to discuss your case.