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When It Really Matters.

What is Parental Alienation and How Can It Affect Child Custody During and After a Divorce

On Behalf of | May 6, 2020 | Child Custody and Visitation

What is Parental Alienation and how can it affect child custody and parenting time in Carlsbad and North County divorce cases? Parental alienation is a serious child abuse issue and can ultimately affect child custody and parenting time orders. Parental alienation is the effort of one parent to add distance to or interrupt the relationship between a child and the other parent.

Parental alienation is considered to be a form of brainwashing which is not in the best interest of a child. As a result, documented cases of parental alienation have resulted in the award of sole custody to the opposing parent and supervised parenting time or visitation for the abusive parent.

This is a serious issue and requires constant vigilance and immediate action as parental alienation can cause long term and in some cases irreversible effects upon the children of divorce. There are several signs to watch for, including but not limited to:

  • Attempts to prevent or reduce phone calls, emails texts or other communication with the other parent
  • False accusations of domestic violence, abuse or neglect
  • Interrupting, sabotaging or consistent attempts to disrupt the parenting time and visitation rights of the other parent
  • Speaking angrily or in a visceral tone about the other parent consistently including the use of name calling or exposure and magnification of alleged character flaws
  • Creating guilt over speaking with, mentioning or spending time with the other parent

California law specifically protects the best interests and health of the children of divorce. If you believe your child may be the victim of initial behavior or all out symptoms of parental alienation we invite you to contact the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq.

We aggressively advocate for the protection of children and work to take prompt legal action to address the issues involved in your case. We invite you to contact us immediately or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment.

