Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Effective Parenting Plans in a North County or Carlsbad Divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 12, 2020 | Child Custody and Visitation

We are often asked about parenting plans in a North County or Carlsbad divorce. What is a parenting plan, and what is the difference between child custody and parenting time?

A parenting plan is an agreement between the spouses which establishes all aspects relating to spending time with your children after a divorce as well as the decisions that will impact their life.

“Parenting Time” is exactly what it sounds like. How much time will the child(ren) spend with each parent and on what schedule? Generally speaking, in the absence of addiction or criminal behavior our Carlsbad divorce Courts believe it is in the best interest of a child to spend equal “quality” time with each parent.

The experienced attorneys at Burke & Domercq understand our client’s goals and objectives and work to negotiate a parenting time schedule that accomplishes these goals while maintaining the best interest of the child(ren). We provide insight to our clients as they work to develop a parenting plan which reflects the natural rhythms of the family. Our extensive trial experience and mediation work informs this insight, and our clients value the ability to skillfully and efficiently negotiate a resolution to these issues.

Custody is a separate issue from parenting time. There are two types of child custody: legal and physical. Physical custody can be “joint” or “sole” and relates to the right to physically house and care for the child. Legal custody can also be joint or sole and relates to the authority to make decisions regarding important issues in the child’s life including but not limited to:

    • Education
    • Health care and well being
    • Extra-Curricular activities
    • Religious observance

Effective parenting plans in a North County or Carlsbad divorce will incorporate all aspects of legal and physical custody including parenting time schedules.

Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

The time you spend with your children during and after your divorce is one of the issues that concerns all parents as they begin the process of concluding a marriage.

