Virtual visitation in the age of COVID-19 here in San Diego is not a novel concept. Virtual visitation during the course of your divorce or after final orders have been issued in a Carlsbad, North County or San Diego divorce is becoming much more common.
Virtual visitation in the age of COVID-19 is primarily facetiming, zoom, skype or other video-based phone calls, but also includes text messaging and chatting online and even communication through shared video game experiences.
Virtual visitation isn’t new to family law here in San Diego. Virtual visitation has been worked into existing parenting plans as part of a comprehensive strategy to maintain existing patterns in a child’s life. This is absolutely in the best interests of a child which is the basis for many aspects of California family law.
Perhaps one of the parents usually read the bedtime story or led evening prayers. In other cases one of the parents may travel as part of their work and virtual visitation was incorporated as part of the parenting plan.
Like many aspects of a divorce, virtual visitation in the age of COVID-19 has it’s advantages and disadvantages. Virtual visitation provides nourishing support and interaction with a child when children and their parents are separated by significant distances.
Travel during the novel coronavirus has become much more challenging. The holidays are approaching and these are times when many children are scheduled to travel to visit out-of-town parents as part of existing child custody and parenting time orders.
How have you handled these issues up until now. If you are presently considering or in the process of a divorce, virtual visitation should be part of your child custody and parenting time plan.
However, virtual visitation is not considered to be a replacement for in-person visits under California law. Children still absolutely need to physically see and interact with each of the parents on a regular basis. How will you manage child custody, parenting time and virtual visitation in the age of COVID-19?
This is why it is so important to work with the experienced and proven Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq. We have provided sound counsel to our clients and worked with them to develop and implement creative solutions for decades. We want to help you and your children as you work through these substantial life challenges while keeping everyone as safe as possible.
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.