Is there a strategy to reduce the time and cost of your divorce in San Diego? Is it possible to also reduce the emotional impact of a divorce upon your life? The answer to both of these questions is absolutely “yes.”
The first and most important fact about divorce which most parties are unaware of before filing is the cost of your divorce and the time it will take to complete are both directly associated with the amount of disagreement between you and your former spouse and your ability to resolve disagreements and reach a settlement.
One of the things which might surprise you is the Judge in your case is carefully and intently observing each party, how they communicate and the way they handle themselves. If you have children, the Judge is considering a lot of your behavior in the context of your ability to co-parent.
A strategy to reduce the time and cost of your divorce in San Diego must be based in an awareness of how the Court is observing the communications between you and your former spouse. You should consider from the outset how your own actions can improve or damage your own position and the goals you have established for your divorce.
With this in mind, the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq work with our clients to develop specific strategies to reduce the confrontations and emotional arguments which can expand the distance between the parties and strengthen their attachment to their position.
One example is to pay close attention to all communications. This includes texts, voicemails, emails, social media posts and even conversations with family members, friends and co-workers. Start with the presumption the Judge (your family, your friends, your co-workers, your nosey neighbors, your children) will all see and read everything you write to your former spouse and every voicemail you leave.
Texts, emails, voicemails, written notes, social media posts and even conversations with friends and co-workers is fair game to opposing counsel and easily introduced into a divorce case as evidence.
An effective strategy to reduce the time and cost of your divorce in San Diego includes a “self rule” not to engage your former spouse, and to immediately cut off any communication which is emotional or heated until you can return to the matter with a cooler head. We usually recommend that our clients avoid posting to social media as much as possible.
Finally, focus upon the genuine goals and objectives you have for your divorce. Most matters can be resolved through effective negotiations. Mediation is a private, confidential, timely and cost-effective strategy for resolving most or all of the issues which cannot be resolved through negotiation.
A strategy to reduce the time and cost of your divorce in San Diego is based in a clear focus upon your own goals, managing one’s emotional state and resolving areas of dispute in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.