Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Strategies to Resolve Areas of Disagreement in a San Diego Divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2021 | Divorce

Why is it important to plan and implement strategies to resolve areas of disagreement in a San Diego divorce?  Why is it important to meet with the experienced, proven Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq well before you file for a divorce (or are served with divorce papers)?

It may surprise you to learn more than 80% of divorces in California are initially filed by one of the parties without any legal representation.  When asked, most of those interviewed said they were “trying to save money,” or that “lawyers cause more problems and drive up the cost of divorce.”

Here is one of the least known and most important facts about any San Diego divorce:

The cost of any divorce, and the time it takes to complete is directly associated to the amount of disagreement between the parties and their ability to ultimately resolve these issues.

Do you want to keep the cost of your divorce down?  Do you want to complete the process in a timely and efficient manner?  If so, you will need proven strategies to resolve areas of disagreement in a San Diego divorce.

Draw on our decades of experience.  We help our clients to develop strategies for each step in the process.  Know what you want to achieve.  Decide what is most important to you.  It is important to understand that California Family Law requires community property to be divided equally between the parties.  This includes all assets, debts, the family home and even retirement accounts.

Do you have children?  If so, there must be a comprehensive child custody and parenting time plan which lays out specific guidelines for the care and parenting of your children.

The fastest and least expensive strategies to resolve areas of disagreement in a San Diego divorce involve negotiation.  Divorce is a matter of “give and take” or the Judge, a total stranger, will be forced to impose a decision upon you.  Negotiation is a skill you can learn, improve or master.  We guide our clients and provide sound counsel to help prepare them for important conversations.

We often negotiate on behalf of our clients.  Dispassionate negotiation helps to protect your interests while resolving issues which arise along the way.

Mediation is another of the best strategies to resolve areas of disagreement in a San Diego divorce.  Mediation is a private, confidential environment.  The neutral, third-party mediator works to understand the positions and goals of each party and then to work with them to identify potential solutions.  Mediation is often able to resolve most if not all areas of dispute between the parties.

It is important to plan and implement strategies to resolve areas of disagreement in a San Diego divorce.  It saves you time.  It saves you a lot of money.  It also makes the process less stressful and reduces the emotional price of a divorce.

Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

