How is spousal support determined in a San Diego divorce case? The determination of spousal support (sometimes referred to as “alimony”) in divorce cases throughout the San Diego area is quite complex. There are several factors which determine if and when spousal support is to be awarded, and the amount of support itself. These include but are not limited to:
- The length of the marriage
- The age and health of each former spouse
- The lifestyle enjoyed by the couple during their marriage
- Giving up a career to raise children and support the household
- Working to support a spouse as they complete education or professional certification
- The likelihood that a spouse can find gainful employment based upon many factors including age, health, experience, and education
Unlike child support which has specific guidelines assigned by the State of California, spousal support is often much more nuanced and ultimately support orders are the result of extensive negotiations, mediation or litigation.
With the issue of spousal support determined in a San Diego divorce case the Judge will often remind the spouse receiving the support that it is not going to last forever. Our local Judges often issue a “Gavron Warning” which establishes a specific time (often 3 to 5 years) for the party receiving support to become financially self sufficient. Spousal support is usually longer in duration for longer term marriages, and in those cases when one party has left the work force for many years to support the other and to raise a family.
How is spousal support determined in a San Diego divorce case? The highly experienced Carlsbad divorce and family law attorneys at Burke and Domercq help to structure settlements which accomplish our client’s goals and objectives.
If you are concerned about spousal support or any other issue related to a Carlsbad, North County or San Diego divorce we invite you to protect your interests and contact Burke & Domercq or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.