Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

How Does a Borderline Personality Disorder Affect Your San Diego Divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2021 | Divorce

Are you considering a divorce in San Diego and has your spouse been diagnosed or do you suspect they may have Borderline Personality Disorder?  How does a Borderline Personality Disorder affect your San Diego divorce case?

If you are concerned about Borderline Personality Disorder in any San Diego family law case you will need the experienced, proven counsel and representation of the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq.  This is especially true in the context of a divorce with children.

How does a Borderline Personality Disorder affect your San Diego divorce and what are some of the things you should know up front as you consider or prepare for your divorce?  As you probably already know, those with Borderline Personality Disorder are impulsive and often experience rapid and substantial mood swings.  They often abuse substances such as alcohol or drugs and can present rage-filled, potentially violent episodes.  In addition, most who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder are intensely insecure and have a tremendous fear of abandonment.

Don’t let a Borderline Personality Disorder affect your San Diego divorce and a fair outcome in your case.  It is often to see a reasonable offer met with immediate litigation.  It may be necessary to put some of the matters in your case before the Judge.  It may also be possible to use the need of a former spouse with Borderline Personality Disorder to control every situation in an effort to seek results in mediation.  Your former spouse must surrender all authority and the outcome of every decision to the Judge (a total stranger) when they choose to litigate a matter.  This loss of control over the scenario can be a useful tool to manage reasonable resolutions in negotiations and mediation.

When the other side wants to litigate, the experienced trial attorneys at Burke & Domercq have an extensive and proven track record in San Diego Family Law cases.  We are always prepared to present organized, well-support arguments to the Court on behalf of our clients.

