What are some concerning behaviors during a contentious San Diego divorce and how can the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq help to protect you during the process? There are many reasons why a divorce can become contentious. There are genuine reasons for principled disagreements between former spouses. There are personality disorders and narcissistic behaviors which naturally lead to conflict. There are also actions which one party can use in an attempt to manipulate the outcome of a divorce. What are some of the actions you should be watching for?
Some issues are more obvious such as emptying joint accounts or running up credit cards just before or during a divorce. These behaviors are fairly easy to document and the Court can address them and properly during community property division.
Other concerning behaviors during a contentious San Diego divorce are more covert in nature but damage your position strategically and financially during the divorce. One example is an attempt to hide money or assets. Business owners may attempt to reduce income or slow down the sales of a company in an attempt to reduce exposures during valuation of the business or to reduce their income for child and spousal support calculations.
Another common issue we often have to confront involves an attempt to prevent access to important information regarding retirement plans and accounts, bank accounts, credit and other financial accounts and even tax records.
This is why it is so important to pre-plan a divorce and work with our team to develop strategies to protect your interests and accomplish your goals and objectives. There are many important records to organize prior to filing for a divorce. If the other party attempts to hide money or assets or limit your access to crucial information we are able to pursue these issues during interrogatories and discovery.
While there are many potential concerning behaviors during a contentious San Diego divorce there are also proven strategies our experienced attorneys deploy to get to the facts and achieve a just outcome for our clients. Are you considering a divorce in San Diego? Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.