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When It Really Matters.

When Do You Need a Carlsbad Child Custody Attorney?

On Behalf of | Apr 27, 2019 | Child Custody and Visitation

When do you need a Carlsbad child custody attorney?  What determines child custody in a divorce case, and how can a parent pursue changes in North County San Diego child custody orders?
Our local Courts are always focused on what is in the best interest of the child. Generally speaking, local Judges and Magistrates believe it is in the best interest of a child to spend roughly equal quality time with each parent.

The majority of local divorce cases result in joint custody orders where child custody is equally shared by both parents.  However, factors such as domestic violence, abuse, drug and alcohol addictions and criminal activity will have a major impact on child custody orders.

The impact of military service on child custody will always be an issue in Carlsbad and North County.  What happens when a service person is deployed, or when the former spouse wishes to move out of the area or out of state?  The quality, experience and expertise of your child custody attorney will have a major impact on the outcome of your case.

Move away or relocation cases have become much more common in recent years.  California Courts, and our local Courts in particular take a dim view of a parent who takes a child or children and moves away without the permission of the Court.  It is important to take immediate action to protect your parental rights and custody in these cases.

Seeking a change in child custody orders can be quite challenging. The attorneys at Burke & Domercq provide insight and sound advice for those seeking a change in existing custody orders or modifications of agreements contained within a divorce settlement.

When do you need a Carlsbad child custody attorney? If you believe your rights as a parent are compromised by the actions of a former spouse or if your personal situation has significantly changed we can help. We invite you to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced child custody lawyers.

