Most clients are looking for experienced attorneys who will help them to complete their North County or Carlsbad divorce in a timely and cost-effective manner. We are often asked “How long will the divorce process take?” The question of whether your divorce will be completed in a matter of months or years is tied to the resolution of any areas of disagreement associated with issues contained in the separation agreement. All areas of dispute must be resolved one way or another before the final judgment can be issued.
In some cases there are tactics employed by the other party and their representatives designed to delay progress toward resolution of these issues and ultimately the completion of a divorce. In part of these situations it is a matter of continuing the “temporary” orders for child support and/or spousal support and the financial benefits they provide. In others it may be a strategy to increase pressure and improve a negotiating position. It may also be the result of bitterness or some other emotion.
The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Burke & Domercq have represented clients before North County Family Court for decades. We have several tools to resolve issues in dispute and move the process forward including effective negotiation and mediation. In some cases it is necessary to compel the other side to move forward through discovery actions or filing a motion (request for order) with the court. Our judges are under the pressure of regulations and a heavy docket and have an interest in moving cases forward in a timely manner.
How long will the divorce process take in Carlsbad and North County? Usually anywhere from 6 months to well over a year and sometimes longer. The quality, skill and experience of your divorce attorney will have a significant impact on the outcome in your case. If your case includes complex issues such as substantial assets or business ownership it is important to ensure all the relevant facts are on the table prior to reaching a final accord or seeking orders from the court.
We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients, protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.
Learn more about the process of a divorce and how your unique circumstances may affect issues related to time and expense.