Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

The Experience of Filing a Divorce in San Diego

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2021 | Divorce

What is the typical experience of filing a divorce in San Diego? According to recent statistics released by local Courts, a substantial majority of those who file for divorce in San Diego  initially attempt to represent themselves. However, divorce in most cases is far too complex to complete without representation.  The actual number of cases who successfully complete their divorce experience without an attorney is well below 50%. Why is this so?  How has COVID-19 affected this process?

The short answers are time, hassle, complexity, money and the will to move on with life. The first challenge faced by those filing a divorce in San Diego on their own is a lack of available support to answer all of the questions which naturally arise. What documents must be completed? How will we know if they are legal, enforceable and ready for a Judge or Magistrate to review and authorize?

Most think they are going to save a lot of money by not having an attorney.  This is one of the biggest myths surrounding divorce.  Here is one of the most important facts you must learn about any divorce:

The cost of your divorce will actually be determined by the amount of areas of disagreement between the two of you.  Your ability to work through and resolve these issues will make the biggest impact on the cost of your divorce as well as the amount of time it takes to complete.

There is free counseling provided by the Court at regional centers on a first come, first served basis. After waiting in line several times for hours at a time (lines queue early in the morning hours) and an appearance or two in court, many simply realize they are unable to complete this process on their own.  Standard COVID-19 protocols apply.

The biggest challenge in experience of filing a divorce in San Diego usually involves the parenting plan discussions. How will time be divided between each parent? What happens when the parties can’t agree?

All assets and debts must be divided fairly and equally in a San Diego divorce. Has each party made a full, thorough, truthful, accurate and comprehensive accounting of all assets and debts? How do you handle issues such as a business ownership interest? How do you divide retirement accounts?

What happens if either or both spouses have an interest in a business or professional practice?  Valuation and division of a business interest is a complex financial and legal process.  It is never in your interests to attempt to handle this on your own.  This is especially true if your former spouse has a business interest and is attempting to “keep the cost down” and “avoid the interference of an attorney.”  Each party in these cases has a substantial financial interest to protect.

After wasting hours and hours attempting to find support, and being scolded in Court for having unresolved issues or incomplete or unenforceable paperwork and wasting several months the parties usually finally realize they need the sound counsel and advice of a proven Certified Family Law specialist.  Divorce itself is emotionally and financially challenging enough as it is.  The experience of filing a divorce in San Diego doesn’t have to be so slow, painful, unproductive and frustrating.

The Experience of Filing a Divorce in San Diego Doesn’t Have to Be Chaotic

Burke & Domercq, APC brings decades of experience and expertise to the process to help you to reach your goals. Our certification as a California Certified Family Law Specialist, as well as industry recognition for our consistent creativity, legal expertise and service and performance across many years provide evidence your case will be handled professionally, compassionately and efficiently.

Our goal is to help you to successfully reach your goals. In reality, the fastest and often least expensive path to a successful divorce is with the guidance and services of our experienced team. We help get things on track and keep them moving forward. We are committed to providing cost-effective divorce services, and work with our clients to meet their unique needs.

When genuine challenges arise, or substantial financial or principled issues separate the parties, our seasoned attorneys have a strong track record of success with negotiations and litigation in order to protect our client’s interests.

Mediation is often a cost-effective and timely option for resolving areas of dispute and reaching a positive agreement.

The experience of filing a divorce in San Diego and the patterns developed by the parties carry through the divorce itself, and actually forms a foundation for how life will move forward in the future. Burke & Domercq works with our clients to develop strategies which not only help them to accomplish their goals, but develop patterns which will help them to work through challenges after the divorce is completed.

This reduces the constant argument and stress you’ve probably heard about from others who have gone through a divorce.  We work to help establish the skills and communication patterns which reduce or eliminate the likelihood of expensive and time-consuming post decree litigation.

We help to facilitate a smoother and cost-efficient experience whenever possible. We help you to navigate this challenging time, and come through it in a position of strength to move forward with your life.

Protect your own interests and contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment for a remote or socially distanced consultation with one of our experienced Certified Family Law Specialists.

