Do you own your own business or are you in a professional practice? Are you considering marriage? San Diego business owners need a prenuptial agreement before marriage to protect their business interests. You’ve invested a lot of your time, hard work, energy, worry, money and courage to start or acquire a business and build it. Now you’ve found someone you…
Prenuptial Agreement
Pre-Planning Before a Second Marriage in San Diego
Why is pre-planning before a second marriage in San Diego an important process? How can the Certified Family Law Specialists at Burke & Domercq work with you to protect your interests as you consider a new marriage? Remarriage and blended families are much more common these days here in San Diego and across the nation. What legal issues are important…
Are You Risking Your Relationship and Perhaps a Marriage by Asking for a Prenup?
Are you risking your relationship and perhaps a marriage by asking for a prenup? What is a prenuptial agreement and when should you consider asking for a prenup? A prenuptial agreement is simply a contract which establishes existing property and financial accounts, intellectual property, business ownership or debt and how it will be handled in the future, including the event…
The Enforceability and Integrity of a Prenuptial Agreement
The enforceability and integrity of a prenuptial agreement is an important part of California family law. A prenuptial agreement is legal and enforceable in the State of California when they are correctly undertaken. Prenuptial agreements are not just for the rich and famous. They are often important prior to second marriages or any subsequent union, especially when blended families will…
Prenuptial Agreements in North County and Carlsbad
Prenuptial agreements in North County and Carlsbad make sense for many situations. This can be a touchy subject for some parties as they mistakenly believe it is an acknowledgement in advance or a forecast that the marriage is doomed to fail. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Prenuptial agreements actually allow the parties to establish the rules instead of…
A Prenuptial Agreement Isn’t a Prediction of Future Divorce
A prenuptial agreement isn’t a prediction of future divorce. In fact, the process of developing and implementing a prenuptial agreement can help to establish a stronger relationship between the parties and increase the likelihood of success for the coming marriage. Over the years prenuptial agreements have gotten a really bad reputation, carrying a stigma based on the common myth “it…