Are you concerned about parental alienation in a North County or Carlsbad divorce? What is “parental alienation” and what rights do you have to protect the relationship with your children during and after a divorce?
In many divorce cases, the parties are able to rise above their own disagreements and personal issues and work to establish an effective child custody and parenting plan agreement. However, there are still many situations where the relationship between the parties has deteriorated, and one parent begins to attempt to influence the perceptions of the children about the other parent in order to gain a perceived advantage in child custody.
The attempts by the controlling parent can be quite subtle, or they may be quite open in how they disparage the other parent to the child(ren). What happens in these cases?
Parental alienation may not be recognized as a psychological illness at this time, but our family law Courts here in Carlsbad take this issue very seriously. Our Judges will want to know why a child or children have become alienated against one of the parents, and what can be done to repair the perceived damage as well as the alienated relationship.
The Court may assign a neutral third party to evaluate the households of each parent, as well as the psychological well-being of each child. This process can take several months to a year, but should result in a plan to heal the division and repair the alienated relationship(s).
In most cases this takes the form of counseling. In severe situations involving personality disorders or an abusive parent there may be a substantial impact on child custody and parenting time including the loss of custody and the requirement for supervised visitation.
The medical community may not formally recognize parental alienation, but our Carlsbad family law courts are greatly concerned about the well being of children during a divorce and what happens after the decree is issued. Parental alienation cases are legally quite complex and require skilled and experienced attorneys.
If you are concerned about parental alienation in a North County or Carlsbad divorce the legal team at Burke & Domercq can help. Our Certified Family Law Specialists have decades of experience in these cases, and extensive local family law trial expertise. We invite you to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to schedule an appointment today.