Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Valentine’s Day

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2019 | Divorce

It’s Valentine’s Day and love abounds this time of year. Relationships start. Relationships develop. Households are created. Children are begot, conceived and born.

New statistics coincidentally suggest that marriage relationships are more likely to prosper when the 40 percent rule applies.  The 40 percent rule says that when the wife earns forty percent of the combined household income and the husband does forty percent of the household chores, then the marriage is likely to last.  Of course, this is no locked in guaranty of marital bliss but suggests that today’s successful marriages frequently in fact apply the forty percent rule.  I’m sure the sociologists, therapists, social media experts and political theorists will opine strongly as to why and whether the forty percent rule in fact applies.  Maybe it is working for you.  Maybe not.  Maybe other factors come into play.

Valentine’s Day reminds many married individuals of the failed expectations, shattered promises and lacking efforts of the one once loved.

If you find that for whatever reason irreconcilable differences have arisen between you and your spouse, despite Cupid’s Arrows and Valentine’s wishes then know you need not suffer.  You should contact an experienced Carlsbad divorce lawyer who can assist you in achieving a favorable result when terminating your marriage.  The laws of the State of California protect your property rights, your custodial rights and allow you to be free of unwanted control or other intolerable and/or disturbing behaviors of your spouse.  Burke & Domercq, APC is a law firm devoted to representing spouses seeking a favorable and just result when terminating their marriage.  Burke & Domercq, APC come to the table with nearly fifty years of experience they use to resolve your case through settlement, mediation and, when necessary, litigation. The attorneys have one priority: achieving your goals.

We invite you to contact us or call 760-389-3927 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

