Family Matters.
When It Really Matters.

Do You Need Help to Finish Your Divorce in North County San Diego

On Behalf of | Jul 14, 2019 | Divorce

Do you need help to finish your divorce in North County San Diego?  Has the process become too complex or antagonistic to complete your divorce?

The fact is nearly 80% of Californians attempt to handle their own divorce without a lawyer.  This is often due to the misperception that lawyers are the source of big legal fees and drama.  This is simply an untrue myth.

The largest source of “cost” in any divorce is disagreement between the parties.  If the parties agreed upon everything they could simply bring their case to Burke & Domercq and our paralegal team would create all the necessary documents.  Our lawyers would simply review them to ensure they were properly formatted and legally enforceable.  This is the most cost-efficient route to complete your divorce.  You should always have paperwork reviewed.  There are too many stories of never-ending spousal support or missed retirement account QDROs due to poorly crafted documents.

The attorneys at Burke & Domercq can help resolve areas of disagreement and get things moving forward if you need help to finish your divorce in North County San Diego.  The first step to resolving a dispute is a process known as “discovery.”  Discovery involves requests for information and documentation from the other party.  Discovery is an art.  Asking the right questions using carefully crafted language can expand or refine the information you receive in discovery.  This is also a potential “rabbit-hole” and can be a source of substantial fees.  Our skilled attorneys provide insight during discovery to ensure our client has all of the accurate information necessary to move forward.

The information obtained in discovery is used to negotiate the resolution of any issues including, but not limited to:

The parties may seek a trial date to resolve areas of disagreement.  This can be several months in the future.  The fastest and most effective way to resolve areas of dispute are mediation and arbitration.  These strategies provide each party with more influence and control over the ultimate outcome.  It is important to note parties who reach an agreement together through negotiation or mediation are much more likely to abide by that agreement following the divorce.  This reduces the likelihood and expense of post-decree litigation.

Do you need help to finish your divorce in North County San Diego?  We invite you to read the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact Burke & Domercq or call 760-389-3927 to learn more or schedule an appointment.  We will help you to complete your divorce while protecting your goals and interests so that you may move forward with your life.


